SPA Hotel Ezeri - Yellow puddle of shame!
I'm absolutely disappointed and feel cheated by this "hotel". I've been to many places all over the world and I know what I am talking about. We've booked a "half-lux" (as they called it) room, SPA visiting, and massage for two persons. When we arrived we have been charged full price for all services at once. The staff has not proposed us to see a room and have not described anything. Just pay and go... Absolutely unprofessional... So, "half-lux" room... the room had some vomit stains on the floor. Everything was really "half". half TV, half table, half bad. Everything was so small! Come on! I've spend 2 hours to get there by car, I wanted to have some shower! No Water! I've called them and they were sorry for that. Just sorry... Ok... I wanted to have some drink. No drinking water in room, no water pitcher. I've called them again. What do you think they've answered me!? - "You can drink tap water"!!! I thought it was a joke. Hotel staff proposed me to drink water from tubes! My dog can drink tap water! Are you serious? Moreover, we've just said we don't even have any water! So, what do you think? They’ve said I can buy some mineral water in restaurant. Hey, the story just began. We decided to take a shower in SPA. SPA? It is not a SPA. It is a small swimming pool with 2 saunas. Do you know what is SPA? Maybe hotel owners have not been anywhere besides their village? Ok… “Bubble bath” in open air which was so much promoted and adverted. We really wanted to have some water bubbles massage in open air and the price for visiting it was included. OUT OF ORDER… That is it, not working and they are sorry for that. No alternatives, nothing… Now… The craziest think which switched down my brains for several minutes…
Electric 220 volt wire combined with several extensions was lying across the swimming pool area! I have some videos of it. It was in working condition. I’ve checked it. 220 volts… some part of wire was lying in water puddles. It was really near to swimming pool. Some incident and this wire can be dropped in swimming pool and voila! Add some carrot and you will get some human soup! It was fantastic! I believed hotel administration would arrange a dinner for all the inconvenience… What I am talking about after all I’ve already seen... Restaurant prices are the same as in Paris, Berlin… and you don’t have any alternatives because this “hotel” is outside the city. You won’t get there without a car. So, If you don’t want to pay such overestimated prices, don’t eat at all. I was feeling as a bunny in trap. No alternatives. Just pay or starvation is near. Massages were more or less ok. However it is overpriced again. Some staff even doesn’t speak English… To sum up the above stated… Don’t even think to go there. I’ve already paid for this experiment for you and you can trust me! I wish this hotel burn in hell. They’ve stolen two days of my life and they are just sorry for that!
Komentāri (20)
How much did u pay?
Nu ir tiešām vakars uz ezera!
Regarding to some staff doesn't speak English.They absolutely were Russians as here is very often in service jobs in order to pay some money less to such uneducated people.
British eh? So typical - an uneducated arrogant white trash sex tourist with a serious attitude problem comes over to a foreign country and all he ever does is moaning and complaining how bad everything is! Stay at home or go to one of those wonderful countries and hotels you had such a good experiences with, if you can afford it that is. BTW - did you manage to do the ultimate lowlife British tourist (like yourself) attraction - to urinate in a public place ?
P.s. Before you complain that the staff at the above mentioned hotel couldn't speak English, take a good look at yourself - you can not speak English propely either! For your own sake I hope that you're not an native English speaker as your English is worse than my is and it's my fourth language...
Listen Marko! Just fuck off! U want to tell me, that all latvians are aducated! And all of them, know how to speak english?
Kā tie mērgļi iedrošinājās piedāvāt kungam krāna ūdeni???? :D
Laikam gribejas ietaupit, bet neka! Viesnicas sogad ir auksti un nabagais nosalis.Mike, is your booked room a buisness-class? I just thing isn't. You say it "half-lux".What do you think about name "half-alive"?
:D "half-lox"
ej bekas lasīt angļu sēne!
Этa методика называется "сэндвич" - два человека должны буквально"забутербродить" одногo человека с двух сторон и не отпускать от себя даже когда он отправляется в туалет.
Kristina, we have paid about 140ls.
Marko, there was no any Russians at all. And I don't think it is a question of nationality btw. Attracting foreign tourists hotel stuff must be able to communicate in English.
Eseseseseseses, we are not British, we are a couple from Lithuania. I feel that you are protecting your country but what are you standing for? Reading your comment I am starting to feel that everything I've wrote is normal in your country. Do you live like that in Latvia? I really believe that Latvia has some potential and that is why we had decided to visit it. I am just sharing my experience in this particular hotel. You answer is not up to the point. Relax. By the way, your English is really good. Probably you can arrange some special English courses for hotel staff. That would be nice! I can join as well with my poor English.
Alla, definitely it is not business class room and I don't know why half-lux name is given, really strange. Nevertheless, room must be at least tidy. It is a must. There was a vomit on floors! Come on! Such a shame...
All in all, the hotel has established rather good communication channel to attract foreign tourists. We were caught on it as well. Marketing staff is really strong in this hotel. I wish entire service and quality would be on the same level. Again... I am sharing my experience. I know my mistake now; I have not checked any other comments before visiting Ezeri. Try visiting some global booking sites, such as eurobooking or any other portals. You will notice that there is no any positive feedback at all. Next time I will read all the comments before going somewhere.
It is really strange that you've commented only on one point - "english". What about other things I've wrote? OK... Let's just finish it here.
Thank you for reading and have a nice day!
It really does not matter where you're from - GB or Lithuania (I actually had a far better impression of people coming from Western/Eastern Europe than British Isles but you've proven me wrong-every nation has a fair share of idiots as you clearly have demonstrated it here) but I really do not appreciate the patronizing tone of your message-
(c) ' Everything I've wrote is normal in your country' ' I really believe that Latvia has some potential' ?// who the fuck are you to even consider to make conclusions like that?! (c) 'Do you live like that in Latvia?' - yes, poor us, we do live like that in Latvia (whatever in your opinion it means). Im sure that everything is absolutely perfect in your Lithuania but then again it seems that your standards are pretty low 'cos you can not afford a decent hotel in the city centre opting for a cheap motel type of accomondation outside the city instead. Have you ever heard the saying - you get what you've paid for? And do not get all defensive and sarcastic regards your English - it really could do with an improvement ...
Eseseseseseseses. Fuck you!
Jaaa jaaaaaa Eseseseseseses, fuck you fuck you...! :D :D :D :D :D
I agree with u, its not normal and I've heard about this hotel similar story. Sorry that u had this bad expierence, we have got much more better places. Maybe before u book hotel check in internet what people says about that.
Esesesseseseseses, but who the fuck are you to think your opinion is important and correct? Only cheap show-off & bla-bla-bla... :)
Puse no komentāriem vispar bija ne pa tematu. Tie, kuriem gribas palielīties ar valodu zināšanu, pareizrakstību un apspriest nacionālo jautājumu - noteikti uz citu tematu.
Par Spa Hotel EZERI arī varu teikt tikai sliktāko. Viņi izdod vēlamo par esošo, kaut tas galīgi nav tā. Skaistās bildes un nepatiesi solījumi - tā ir realitāte. Serviss ir ļoti zemā līmenī, apkalpojošais personāls arī nav īpaši laipns. Visi piedāvātie pakalpojumi vai nu vispār nedarbojās, vai nu darbojās daļēji. Karstā burbuļvanna ārā laikam vispār darbojās tikai reklāmā :)
Ja vienīcai ir tehniskās problēmas, par to var pabridināt klientus un vnk atvainoties, nevis apgalvot, ka viņiem viss ir tā "kā citās viesnīcās" (!).
Varbūt darbinieki kopā ar īpašniekiem nekur citur nav bijuši, ja tiešām tā uzskata. Šajā gadījumā var ieteikt veikt tirgus izpēti un vispār atvert acis un paskatīties, kas un kā notiek apkārt.
Par kādiem lukss un puslukss numuriem var iet runa...
Krāna ūdeni lai dzer paši darbinieki un tie, kuriem tas garšo un apmierina.
Masāžas arī ir viduvējā līmenī (ja, protams, ir ar ko salīdzināt), bet tas jau katram ir ļoti individuāli. Ēdināšana tāda veida iestādē ir par dārgu.
Elektriskais pagarinātājs ar atvērtajām kontaktligzdām, atstāts pie baseina, tieši mazajās peļķēs - tas nav normāli! Pieslēdzot pie tā sildītāju, personāls mēģināja sasildīt aizsalušo burbuļvannu ārā (!). Vai laukos par drošības tehniku neko nezin..?
Tāds sviests par paša naudu. Varēja uzreiz uzrakstīt, ka 'mēs esam lēts motelis ar nesamērīgām cenam', tad nebūtu arī pretenziju.
Nesen raidijumā "Ražots Latvijā" tika stāstīts par Ezeriem, cik viss tur ir forši kvalitātīvi. Tas laikam ir vienīgais, uz ko viņi ir spējīgi - uz reklāmu.
Nevienam neiteikšu braukt, vnk sačakarēts garīgais un izmestā nauda.
Kapitālisma galvenā sastāvdaļa ir laba reklāma, jo labai precei reklāmas nevajag, toties lai kāds izmantotu apšaubāmas kvalitātes pakalpojumus vai preces, reklāma ir vajadzīga, jo viemēr atradīsies kāds, kurš tīšuprāt būs gatavs bāzt galvu kaut vai sūdu čupā, kura būs sareklamēta par jaunības eliksīru.
Es neesmu bijusi puslux numurā, bet biju parastajā. Tieši 31.12.09. un viss bija kā vajag, ja neskaita āra kublu, kuram bija no lielā aukstuma sasalušas caurules. Viss pārējais bija kā vajag un personāls bija pretimnākošs.
Es biju domājis šo viesnīcu apciemot, nu jau vairs nē. Esmu šokā, ka viesnīca viesi jau iepriekš nebrīdināja, ka āra burbuļvanna nestrādā. Tas tikai parāda viesnīcas prastumu.
dīvainie cilvēki!tas ir apbrīnojami--vai tiešām vēl nav skaidrs, ka šadas sūdzības raksta tie, kas savā dzīvē nav apmierīnāti arī citām lietām!!!
Un protams-kur tad vēl skauģu pilnā pasaule!
Ezeros no krāna nāk tīrs avotūdens atšķirībā no citiem hoteļiem!es to izvēlējos labāk nekā pirkt tādu pašu ūdeni restorānā-par--nu to gan uzskatu par bezjēdzīgi izdotu naudu-ūdens pudelē.tāpēc arī istabās uz galda ir glāzes.
Un vispār viesnīcai ir bioloģiskā attīrīšana.ko jūs saprotat no īstuma!!
Un restorāna cenas ir tikai normāli atbilstošas ēdiena kvalitātei un pasniegšanas veidam!virtuve vnk ir fantastiska.
tad nu gan bŗinums, ka mūsu aukstajā ziemā džakusi aizsalis-citiem mājās aizsala trubas līdz pavasarim.
comon!ļautiņi, attopieties-beidzat vienreiz klaji vemt!
Un tie, kas nebrauks uz to viesnīcu tikai tāpēc, ka spriež par to pēc komentāriem--nebrauciet arī!!jūs to neesat pelnījuši šo skaisto vietu skaistajā pilsētā Siguldā!!