Adrese: |
9/F., Block AB, Ka Ming Court, Castle Peak Road, Kowloon Cheung Sha Wan Hong Kong SAR China - 688-690 (Faktiskā adrese) |
Kategorija: | Bizness / Finanses |
Milkyway Distribution Limited - Sūdzības un atsauksmes
Milkyway Distribution Limited - Bad service, scam
Milkyway Distribution (this is also an umbrella Hong Kong group for Onedigitals UK and Australia) is really a scam company. I have ordered four months ago lot of Apple iPhone 6s and 7. Payment was made to this company's bank account. At first their DG Mr.Yuen WONG promised me to ship my goods in 3 days by air cargo, then told me that there is some delay and he will ship a little later. One months ago he finished answer to my calls and emails and put my numbers to black list. Finally 2 days ago...
Milkyway Distribution Limited - Krāpšana
never ever apply to job at Milkyway Distribution!
very unprofessional management, supervisor Viktorija Salinieka is not managing team at all, she only makes promises and then always searches for exuses why promised things are not happening.She does not know company structure and all processes, she will never assist you at any questions and if you will ask her for help she will just ignore your emails ! at the end of the day she will fire without any reasons and explanation.
DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME! stay away from this scam company!
Milkyway Distributions - Haotisks personāla atlases process
Atsaucos uz darba sludinājumu par klientu apkalpošanas speciālista vakanci uzņēmumā Milkyway Distribution, kuri veidojot savu filiāli Latvijā. Uzņēmuma vŗdā Viktorija Salinieka uzaicināja uz telefoninterviju, kas kļuva par aptuveni stundu ilgu Skype čata interviju (kam es nebiju gatavs, jo gatavojos telefonintervijai).
Sarunā vienojāmies, ka pēc nedēļas tikšu informēts par rezultātiem. Nesaņēmu nekādu informāciju. Pēc trim nedēļām uzrakstīju e-pastu, vaicājot, kādi ir rezultāti. Saņēmu...