Rimi Alfā - Kulinārija - vecos produktus tirgo par to pašu cenu nākošajā dienā
Rimi lavaši, pankūkas un pārējās šīs kategorijas kulinārijas preces pēc derīguma termiņa tiek tirgotas par to pašu cenu nākošajā dienā (saprastu ja būtu atlaide piem no 1.99 uz 0.99, bet RIMI mēģina izkrāpt katru centu par vecu preci), uzlīmējot jaunu uzlīmi, uz kuras termiņš ir norādīts tā pati diena, bet ēdot var labi just, ka ir vakarējais produkts.
Parasti uzlīmes kurām pakošanas laiks [IEPAK. DAT:] ir no rīta (7:00 - 9:00) - tajā pašā dienā taisīta prece.
Uzlīmes kurām laiks ap 11:00 - 12:00 - iepriekšējās dienas prece, vēlreiz pārpakota ar jaunām uzlīmēm, kur ir uzprintēts šodienas datums, un izlietot līdz: šodienai [DER. TERMIŅŠ: ].
Komentāri (1)
RIMI īpašnieks ICA jau ar tādām lietām sen nodarbojas...
"ICA meat repackaging controversy
In December 2007, a meat repackaging fraud scheme was made known to the public. Hans Hallén, a former quality control manager for supermarket chain ICA has revealed that the company knew that meat was being illegally repackaged as early as 2003. Hans Hallén, who monitored ICA stores in southern Sweden from 2003–2005, said he had informed the company's managers of the exact practices that were exposed on 5 December 2007 by the Sveriges Television in its weekly investigative television programme Uppdrag granskning. According to Hallén, many stores engaged in practices such as repackaging meat in order to change the expiry date."
"revealed that they had repackaged out-of-date ground meat and put it back on the shelves in four of the largest hypermarkets in Sweden"