www.sudzibas.lv Nord Auto Severely defective Audi q7

Nord Auto - Severely defective Audi q7

We bought from nord auto sia an audi q7 which was supposed to be in excellent technical condition and technically checked. Now we have spent over 4000 euro on repair bills over 4000 eur. The biggest problem is the engine is faulty.
Thick oil has been put inside so that there is no rattling. The oil pressure sensor is broken and the gauge is removed and glued together. The engine oil is full of metal debris. Opening the engine awaits a large service invoice. Various switches, janitor motors, and air conditioning pumps are out, the air conditioning pipes are broken, the headlights are out, the rear air shocks won't hold up, and so on. All is done so that the buyer would not understand at first that buys broken scrap metal.
Mileage has been rolled down. We cannot accommodate the car.


Uzņēmums saņēma paziņojumu par šo sūdzību

Atbilde no Nord Līzings Pārstāvja atbilde 15.02.2024

Cienījamie portāla apmeklētāji,

iepazīstoties ar apstākļiem, konstatējām, ka šī sūdzība ir nevis par SIA “Nord Auto Līzings”, reģisrtācijas Nr.40203039032, bet gan par SIA “Nord Auto”, reģistrācijas Nr.40103628165. Tas izriet no sūdzības iesniedzēja pievienotajiem dokumentiem. Respektīvi, sūdzība faktiski ir iesniegta par pavisam citu uzņēmumu, bet tā ir publicēta saistībā ar mūsu uzņēmumu. Šajā sakarā esam vērsušies pie sūdzības iesniedzēja, kā arī pie portāla administrācijas, lūdzot šo situāciju labot.

Ar cieņu

SIA “Nord Auto Līzings” administrācija

Komentāri (4)

Z zilais valis 04.02.2024

Nē, nu viss saprotams, bet 15 gadus vecam auto cerēt, ka tur viss ir in excellent technical condition - nav drusku nenopietni?

M Marek Magismaa 04.02.2024

The seller's statement - the car has been technically inspected. The car is technically in good condition. It is understandable if the car needs maintenance. But the engine is rattling, metal scraps are in the oil, it was covered up with the wrong oil composition, with thick oil, which never can be used in this type of engine, also the oil pressure sensor was modified and damaged, the ventilation was screwed to the bottom so that no sound could be heard, it is a conscious act to sell an undrivable car.

P Prom07 04.02.2024

Atkal Rumbula...

M Marek Magismaa 06.07.2024

Dear SIA "Nord Auto Līzings.

You and Nord Auto SIA is same team. Purchase and sale agreement made Nord Auto Leazing office. Legal game, same faces.

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