Meistaru Serviss - Slikts serviss, bojājumi un dārga Cena / Poor service, damage and expensive price
Es noteikti neiesaku šo uzņēmumu. Sazinājāmies ar uzņēmumu Meistaru Serviss par virtuves izlietnes caurules aizsērēšanas problēmu. Tieši uz izlietnes caurules aizsērēšanu atbrauca 3 dažādi meistari un 3 dienu laikā to atrisināja, sabojājot manu virtuves izlietni un caurules mājā. Pirmais meistars (uzņēmuma īpašnieks) neveicās savā darbā un izlēja no virtuves izlietnes ļoti stipru ķimikāliju, vajadzētu liet ķimikāliju no caurules apakšas, bet nevajag. Rezultātā spēcīgā ķīmiskā viela sabojāja virtuves izlietni un virtuves caurules (tās apēda ķimikālijas). Viņš atzina, ka tā ir viņa vaina, un teica, ka viņš ir izpalīdzīgs, taču nepalīdzēja nemaz. Mēs nevarējām izmantot virtuves izlietni 3 dienas. Pie un viņš gribēja 210 eiro par vienkāršu caurules aizsērēšanas problēmu.
I definitely do not recommend this company. We contacted Meistaru Serviss company for the kitchen sink pipe clogging problem. Just for the clogging of the sink pipe, 3 different masters came and solved it within 3 days by damaging my kitchen sink and pipes in the house. The first master (owner of the company) was not good at his job and poured a very strong chemical from the kitchen sink, he should pour a chemical from the bottom of the pipe but he shouldn't. As a result kitchen sink and kitchen pipes were damaged (they were eaten by chemicals) by the strong chemical. He admitted that it was his fault and said that he was helpful, but he did not help at all. We could not use the kitchen sink for 3 days. At the and he wanted 210 euros for a simple pipe clogging problem.
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